Usage ===== Setting Up Storage Client ------------------------- `setup_storage` is function to initialize a storage client for required cloud storage provider. Refer example on how to create s3/wabs client respectively. .. py:currentmodule:: spongeblob .. autofunction:: setup_storage S3 --- S3 class implements the :py:class:`` class interface documented below for AWS Simple Storage Service. You can use the parameters documented here for a s3 client initialization via :py:func:`setup_storage` .. py:currentmodule:: .. autoclass:: S3 .. automethod:: __init__ WABS ---- WABS class implements the :py:class:`` class interface documented below for Windows Azure Blob Storage service. You can use the parameters documented here for a wabs client initialization via :py:func:`setup_storage` .. py:currentmodule:: .. autoclass:: WABS .. automethod:: __init__ Storage API ----------- All supported storage providers in spongeblob implement the storage class for interface. Refer this document for the API available for :py:class:`` and :py:class:`` classes .. py:currentmodule:: .. autoclass:: Storage :members: :exclude-members: get_retriable_exceptions Retriable Storage ----------------- Cloud storage api calls fail randomly due to various issues like timeouts. Handling retries is a common task. In spongeblob, both S3 and WABS classes implement a `get_retriable_excpetions` method which takes the method name as parameter and returns the exceptions which should be generally retried for it. :py:class:`spongeblob.retriable_storage.RetriableStorage` wraps the S3/WABS client above and retries for acceptable exceptions for each method via `tenacity` library. This is just one approach to retry exceptions, and you can use it if it fits your requirement. All storage class api work directly with retriable storage as well, once the client is initialized. .. py:currentmodule:: spongeblob.retriable_storage .. autoclass:: RetriableStorage .. automethod:: __init__